We've mentioned Brisbane native The Trouble With Templeton (aka Thomas Calder) on the site a couple of times across the past two years and on both occasions have raved on about the singer's raw and honest vocal performances that delivered a depth and warmth that belied his young years.
The singer's debut album 'Bleeders' was released in the latter half of 2011 and he delivered the title track to an unexpectant media.
Now he's back with another video - this time for his latest single 'Someday Soon'.
And it would appear that poor Thomas has got himself into a spot of bother. The clip opens to an overhead shot of him lying motionless on the road after what appears to have been a nasty car accident. It then follows him through the process of his admittance to hospital, his injuries being tended to and more. We'll not let you know what happens at the end of the clip, but it's possibly not what you might expect.