BANANARAMA : I Heard A Rumour

Back in 1987, I was in Year 6 and had just moved on from watching cartoons on Saturday morning to the music video shows. I liked some of the songs but none to really want to buy. Then one morning I heard an amazing sound in the form of Bananarama's I Heard a Rumour, I was hooked on pop and SAW. I still didn't realize you could buy the song alone and ended up buying - on cassette - '87 Right on Track. Great album.

- Andrew from Northcote, Victoria.

We know what you've been doing... Sat at home reading some of the amazing readers' suggestions here in the Lookback segment week after week thinking how amazing they are, but at the same time wondering why in the world you yourself haven't contributed YOUR favourite clip yet! Well c'mon! We want YOUR Lookback clip and we just know you're dying to share.
All you have to do is send us about 100 words about your favourite Lookback clip with a link to said video and we'll feature it on the site on a forthcoming Sunday! We'll publish your first name and suburb/state under the clip so not only will our readers know just how amazing you really are, but you can tell your friends all about your contribution so they'll know just how amazing you really are. Our email address is up top in the sidebar! Over to you!