A Miracle Attributed to Sr Maria Troncatti, FMA

The following comes from the Salesian News Agency:

Today, 10 May 2012, the Holy Father Benedict XVI authorised the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the decree relating to the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Maria Troncatti (1883-1969), of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA). The person benefitting from the miracle was an Ecuadorean woman.

Josefa Yolanda Solorzano Pisco, from Ecuador, married with five children was struck down in 2002 by one of the most dangerous forms of malaria, “Plasmodium falciparum”, which in a short time led to an irreversible degenerative process and a diagnosis of only a few days or even a few hours to live.

The collective trusting invocation of the Servant of God Maria Troncatti, through a novena of prayers proposed by the Salesian Fr Edgar Ivan Segarra – particularly struck by the situation in the family with five young children about to be made orphans– had the effect of obtaining for the sick woman the beginning of an unexpected recovery and soon a complete cure.

After the diocesan enquiry by the curia of Portoviejo in Ecuador, between 21 July and 12 September 2008, the case was studied in the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome, where on 7 April 2011 the Medical Consultative Committee unanimously declared that there was no scientific explanation for the cure.

On 22 October 2011 the Consultative Body of Theologians gave its positive judgment which was then followed by that of the Ordinary Session of Cardinals and Bishops on 21 February 2012.

With the authorisation today by Pope Benedict XVI, there comes to a successful conclusion the long process which will lead to the glories of the altars this Daughter of Mary Help of Christians who in the Amazon jungles of  Ecuador brought  “medicine” for bodies and souls: as she cared and healed  and evangelised, proclaiming and bearing witness for all to the infinite love of the Father and the maternal tenderness of  Mary Help of Christians.
“A glance at the Crucifix gives me the strength and the courage to work” she often used to say. It was thanks to this certain faith that Sr Maria Troncatti untiringly gave herself for the life of many.