Want to rappel down an uptown skyscraper?

There are two types of people in the world: Those whose eyes widen with excitement at the prospect of rappelling hundreds of feet down the side of a 51-story building … and those whose eyes widen with terror.

Which side are you on?

Well, if you're up for a little adventure -- OK, a big one -- on Saturday, Oct. 13, Special Olympics North Carolina is offering thrill-seekers an opportunity to rappel 35 stories down The VUE Charlotte, an uptown skyscraper that houses luxury condominium residences.

It's an experience that will take about 15 minutes. The price tag? $1,000. Sounds like a lot, and it is. But while you'll have to drop down the building by yourself, you won't have to come up with the money on your own if you don't want to. And better yet, all the dough goes to a good cause. Participants are asked to create an online fundraising page at www.firstgiving.com/sonc; then family and friends can support you in helping to raise the minimum required donation of $1,000. The money ultimately will go to support the 38,000 Special Olympics athletes in North Carolina.

Assuming they don't chicken out, rapellers will start their descent from the 43rd floor of The VUE, at 404 W. Fifth St., and drop until they land on the eighth floor. Participants will wear a full-body industrial harness and use an industrial descender to go down; they can go as slowly as they like (or can go fast -- up to a point). No experience is necessary.

More information on this year's event as well as pictures from last year can be found at www.overtheedgenc.com.

The minimum age requirement for the Charlotte event is 14, and anyone under 18 must have a waiver signed by a legal guardian. To rappel, you must weigh between 110 and 300 pounds.

If you have additional questions, you can contact Susan Doggett at 704-358-1935, Ext. 4, at sdoggett@sonc.net.